Is the Super Bowl really about football? Time for the big ad showdown.

It’s Super Bowl Time. Yippee!

OK. So I’m not a football fan. I don’t dislike it, but I’m usually busy parenting little girls on Sunday afternoon instead of sitting in front of the TV or heading down to the Georgia Dome. But on Super Bowl Sunday, you will actually find me parked on my couch, with the volume turned up so I can hear every single word of dialog on every single commercial. Because, although I don’t care who wins the game, I am an advertising fan.

Yep! I’ll be watching the Super Bowl again for the ads. This is the one time of year that everyone in the business feels a little bit of pride since we know that we’re not the only ones who tune in for the commercials.

No, we ad people are not the only ones hoping that Budweiser runs a spot as funny as the frogs, or Reebok will make us laugh like they did with Terry Tate Office Linebacker. Or will Pepsi (Pepsi pulled out this year) entice us the way they did with Cindy, or will Coke tug at our hearts the way they did with Mean Joe Greene? Maybe. And maybe Go Daddy will run another sexist ad and revel in their bad publicity, too.

The Super Bowl represents possibly the only mass-market television event left. Since the advertising is also well watched by the consumers, it represents a rare opportunity for advertisers to make an impact on a huge audience. Whether a three-million-dollar, 30-second spot generates great ROI is debatable. But what it does create is a few hours on television where advertisers and agencies all want to put their best foot forward. So make your nachos and head to the beer store, because the show is about to begin.

– Jimmy Gilmore, Senior Writer


Filed under advertising, Uncategorized

2 responses to “Is the Super Bowl really about football? Time for the big ad showdown.

  1. Pingback: Getting excited about the Super Bowl? So am I. | Jimmy Gilmore

  2. I really liked the eTrade ads with the kids chatting. Especially the one where the little girl suspects the boy has another women over. Funny stuff.

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